Ali and Dyana from Canada got involved in a Parents Care Home at Dhungedhara, Banasthali, Kathmandu in April 2018. They volunteered to share their expertise as occupational therapists.
- Occupational Therapy in a Parents Care Home
The Parents Care Home shelters and takes care of many people who are severely injured, disabled, aged or ill. Ali and Dyana worked hard to improve the daily functioning of the shelter‘s inhabitants by various means.
- Our kind volunteers Ali and Dyana
They helped develop better solutions for the inhabitants that will improve their own ability to participate more in their body hygiene, e.g. brushing teeth, showering, and also dressing themselves, etc.

Sharing their knowledge to improve some fundamental elements of the daily life of these people, improving the hygiene of people and the whole home, asking staffs to encourage people to eat together in common space to motivate them to get out of bed and get engaged in more social interaction.

It helps to have something new to do, build social interactions and have fun. It is important to maintain a good quality of sleep to remain healthy and energetic.
Ali and Dyana we are all really proud of your heart-touching help offered to all needy ones.